I'll walk where my own nature would be leading: It vexes me to choose another guide. (Emily Bronte)

08 December 2008

EDM Challenge #2: Draw a Lamp

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present. (Sir Francis Bacon)

He whose face gives no light, shall never become a star. (William Blake)

This the light that hangs on the bedroom wall next to my bed just above the nightstand. Took two months to get this hung on the wall mostly because there were other things that needed doing first.

Reading by the harsh glare of the overhead light, knowing that I'd have to get up and turn it out (all the way across the room), just didn't work for me. So maybe I'm a touch lazy?

What's on the nightstand at the moment? International Artist, which just arrived a day or two ago featuring one of my absolute favorite artists. Eldest (his parents are publishers). And a little brown teddy bear named Peanut that my daughter gave me as a birthday present.


owenswain said...

Ah Blake, no one quite like William for all his weirdy goodness. Have you read much by him?

And, fun sketch. I love reading in bed. Can't figure it out, folk who have a tv in their bedroom - ick.

Sarah Ketelaars said...

nice sketch and fully agree with Owen about the tv. i had one for a bit but had to take it away... reading is much more relaxing. and you're not lazy at all, that's just normal!

Timaree said...

Who wants to get out of bed to turn off the light when you are finally sleepy enough to go to sleep?

That quote of Bacon's coming after the above post with your white hair being the brightest thing showing at a meeting makes me laugh. So you are the light in a dark (serious) meeting eh? lol.